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Topic subjectI will give you the most extreme egregious example (that might
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13017251&mesg_id=13017395
13017395, I will give you the most extreme egregious example (that might
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri May-06-16 11:51 AM
make folks mad).

So I had a couple of boys move to NYC from the deep south from mostly black environments who had to make a transition because they did not understand white women.

They swore they were DTF and I had to be like "naw man, they just mad superficial friendly like that. All that smiling and playfulness may not mean anything". One of the dudes even got the reputation for being aggressive with women (not physically) but had to be told to chill, you can't approach women like that.

That's a terrible example because there are so many other variables at play but yeah, that was a thing.

The more general problem I had was comfort level with just kicking it with white peers (and bosses). I stayed in black circles in undergrad and it was probably a mistake to keep my circle so narrow. I hung out with more non-black people in law school and there were benefits.

Just being able to kick it with white peers is necessary for networking and career advancement and I was slow to come around to being comfortable doing it. Now if my boss wants to go grab a drink it's not a thing.

>I think the most you have to deal with is racism and slick
>however, it seems like whites tend to be the ones asking us
>the dumb questions about hair, skin, dancing good, etc in
>public without shame.
>ionno, just seems like the way we are raised we don't really
>walk into white world on some Kimmy Schmidt steez.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"