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Topic subjectPopular vote totals: Trump and Hillary lead by over 3 million each
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13015880&mesg_id=13015880
13015880, Popular vote totals: Trump and Hillary lead by over 3 million each
Posted by handle, Wed May-04-16 11:35 AM
I think it's useful to keep these numbers in mind. 50 million votes have been cast so far for the Republicans and the Democrats.


Clinton: 12,432,097
Sanders: 9,298,846

Clinton +3,133,251 (Over 21 million total votes.)

Trump: 10,643,900
Cruz: 7,258,216
Rubio: 3,466,381
Kasich: 3,755,557

Trump +3,385,684 (Over 25 million total votes.)