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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI'm still on the fence on glass coatings
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13015076&mesg_id=13015573
13015573, I'm still on the fence on glass coatings
Posted by spenzalii, Tue May-03-16 06:41 PM
I'd consider doing something to the wheels, but the car? Not too sure. Prep is super important, and all correction (compounding and polishing any scratches) is a must before applying. The thing I wonder about, besides the price of getting it done by a pro, is how flexible the coating is and will it let the paint 'breathe', as it were, or will you be looking at microfracturing later on.

They do look great, and if I had a high dollar or exotic I may think about it. But I'm good with a sealant and wax