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Topic subjectRandom Story Inspired by Road rage post
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13007974, Random Story Inspired by Road rage post
Posted by Crisco, Wed Apr-20-16 12:07 PM
A few months ago, I honk at some white dude who is cutting me off because he doesn't understand the merge lanes for the left turn. He is completely in the wrong But really thinks he is right.

I pull up along side him and say What the F*ck. He rolls down his window and starts cursing me out like a sailor, challenging me to fight the whole 9. He is spitting venom and turning red.

BUT here's the kicker at no time during his rage does he call me the N-Word. Not even close.

So I stop yelling back and Smile and tell him to have a nice day.

I was actually happy about the entire exchange because two people of different ethnicities in America had heated argument and nobody dropped anything racist. Made me feel likes there is hope for racial harmony. Even during a road rage event. LOL