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Topic subjectFuckery, Niggerish, Boughetto
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13005363&mesg_id=13005739
13005739, Fuckery, Niggerish, Boughetto
Posted by Mori, Fri Apr-15-16 06:58 PM
Fuckery is just fantastic. I use it in a sentence often.. "This whole office operation is pure fuckery."

Niggerish: Is ghetto without poverty. Bad organization, bad decisions. Bad situations. "He and his three baby mamas are just niggerish."

Boughetto: Specifically applies to black people living in PG County/DC. Refers to an attempt to be sophisticated but falls just short. "The event started off nice but the turned really boughetto when they oversold tickets."