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Topic subjectRE: let's say the US gov't put up $200 billion as reparations for slavery
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12998285&mesg_id=12998636
12998636, RE: let's say the US gov't put up $200 billion as reparations for slavery
Posted by double 0, Mon Apr-04-16 07:49 PM

Subsidize creation of black banks snd credit unions... Help fund and create local businesses in predominantly black neighborhoods

Possibly create an AA specific FHA loan

Banks can give home loans, small business loans etc.. Try to build owning and purchasing power in predominantly black neighborhoods..

Subsidized daycare, afterschool programs and tutoring in high risk areas

Grocery stores

New zoning laws to restrict too many of the same types of businesses created (i.e liquor stores) in urban areas

Create neighborhood NIMBYs to manage beneficial gentrification in promise areas

HBCU investment under the condition they also properly reinvest locally to maintain retention in area

Grants for people to move to/stay and develop business in blighted areas (everyone runs outta Philly when they graduate Penn.. Would be awesome if at least some put down roots)