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Topic subjecti agree.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12986328&mesg_id=12986531
12986531, i agree.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Mar-11-16 04:02 PM
once the cop has decided they have p/c to arrest - that's it. there's really no point in talking to the cop(s) about the event at that point b/c nothing the arrestee says will change the cop's mind. unless maybe the arrestee has a Big Joker to play - like 'My mother/father is the POTUS/governor/mayor/sheriff/state's attorney/police chief/et al'. lol but for real otherwise the arrestee is best advised to STFU and just deal.

on a related note - most of the resisting arrest cases i see are total bullshit. i regularly see ppl charged w/the offense b/c they pulled away when the cop tried to handcuff them. or they didn't put their hands up when the cop ordered them to. in most of these cases the defendant was arrested w/in seconds even though they pulled away or whatever - still they get hit w/the resisting charge. it's bogus. i've secured not guilty verdicts on many of these charges - most recently last week. the client went down on a few other charges but was found not guilty of resisting arrest even though 3 cops testified that he didn't present his hands to be handcuffed and they 'had to' tackle him to the ground and then cuff him. i argued that the arresting officer had a bad attitude at the time of the arrest as he had a bad attitude during the trial after i caught him lying on the witness stand. i told the jury the cop overreacted by tackling my client when the client asked his father a question during his arrest and the cop took that personally and made it about HIM when there was no need for any of that.