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Topic subjectSad she's that depressed, but..
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12974575&mesg_id=12974682
12974682, Sad she's that depressed, but..
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Feb-16-16 01:10 PM
She also has talked mad shit, and done some really shitty things to her opponents. No one cares about them being depressed.

You're at the top that long, think you're hot shit and you're surrounded in your camp by a bunch of yes men that go along with everything you say and do. Well, when you're that high up your fall is going to hurt a lot more.

If anything this loss should humble her.

And lol @ looking up and saying I need to have babies. I'd rather get knocked out than deal with crying and shit.