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Topic subjectIn all, party officials reviewed 14 precincts and found errors in five
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12969640, In all, party officials reviewed 14 precincts and found errors in five
Posted by bentagain, Sun Feb-07-16 04:13 PM
"The updated results gave a boost of 0.1053 state delegate equivalents for Sanders and 0.0167 for Martin O'Malley, who placed in third, while Clinton lost 0.122."

hmm...sounds like a round about way of saying all the errors were in HRC's favor

let me do the math right quick

0.1053 + 0.0167 = 0.122, yep, they got caught.


I hope this revelation doesn't get buried on Super Bowl Sunday, the day after a Rep debate...

...and that it can stay in the news cycle days before the NH primary

but I doubt the establishment will follow through on the story.

congrats to the Clinton Machine on the W...?