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Topic subjectbecause you put thought into that and I read it, here's a reply
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12968256, because you put thought into that and I read it, here's a reply
Posted by bentagain, Thu Feb-04-16 08:41 AM
1./2. Cruz winning Iowa is only shocking because practically EVERYBODY hates him. Except when you realize that the most powerful voting block there are the holy rollers, home schoolers and Jesus freaks. Cruz winning in Iowa is par for the course...

So, I've seen this rationale for the Cruz W, and I'm wondering how that translates to the Dems

or does it not

that is, if Iowa is this evangelical gold mine

and Bern got 50%

wouldn't that be more encouraging going into the bible belt/SC?

3. The whole coin toss = Clinton win as if this is something new is some silly bullshit...lol...Clinton won because she had more delegates...But that coin toss has been a part of the Democratic award caucus...it ain't new....

I forget the reference, but the statement was made, so and so declared victory, and 3 weeks? later, after recounting, they actually lost.

This has been called the closest caucus EVAH.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if after going through the votes again the numbers change with a W for Bern

but I'm more wondering what happens to O'Malleys votes now that he bowed out

does he hand them over to one of the other candidates?

4. I'm going to need for folks to stop making Bernie out to be the most honest man in politics and Clinton to be the devil. The shit is insulting to my intelligence...There's a reason why the hardcore LIBS felt let down by Obama. They believed in HIM as an idea...Hope and Change....But they didn't understand what it takes to make the sausage...Politics ain't the prom...This shit is cutthroat...

and we believe in Bern as the idea of hope and change, not HRC. It's that simple. 74 Y.O., and I haven't heard anybody come up with any dirt on him. He's been championing the progressive agenda his whole career. Politics are moving toward his agenda, he's not moving his agenda for politics, and that's the difference IMO, of why people trust him and not HRC.

5./6./7. I really wish people would stop trying to impress with their knowledge of history IRT presidential primaries. Should be evident by now, it doesn't apply to this cycle. Make predictions based on your opinion, but trying to reference historical results and apply them to this race is a faiL.