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Topic subjectRE: i have never hid my dislike for Hillary as a politician
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12968213
12968213, RE: i have never hid my dislike for Hillary as a politician
Posted by murph71, Thu Feb-04-16 01:00 AM
>I get the demo being more diverse in SC but I also think it's
>when the race really starts because she should win

It's not just the start of the race for Clinton...It's the start of the race for EVERYBODY...lol

That's why you see Rubio, Kasich, Trump and the like trying to wait Iowa and NH out....They know that those two states are essentially throwaways (more so Iowa,,,but NH can be a little odd too)...

SC, Nevada, Ohio, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, ect...If Clinton can't win at least three of those states given their real-world demographic makeup it's a wrap for her....

She should take Bernie very seriously....Only because of the "outsider" feel of the election is looking large. Dems r feeling waaaaaay too frisky and may just George McGovern this shit...