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Topic subjectRE: i love how the real race doesnt start until South Carolina
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12968016
12968016, RE: i love how the real race doesnt start until South Carolina
Posted by murph71, Wed Feb-03-16 04:04 PM
>which means the real race doesnt start until Hillary gets a
>strong W.

I'm getting the sneaky suspicion that u would be shitting on this broad even if she actually was the Dem candidate in the general election...lol

And no diss...But if u r gonna clown u gotta know the background of why ANYONE would say SC is the start of the race...

Has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton....It's just simple math. I recall people in this very thread being shocked that Cruz was even giving Trump a fight in Iowa....U don't even have to be a political junkie to know that Iowa is home school/ Evangelical territory...It's the same reason people are not picking Cruz to win NH....That's not HIS sweet spot...

SC basically is the start of the campaign where u enter the real world....Where the electorate is truly represented and not just by 99.9 percent white folk and hardcore Dem liberals....If Bernie beats Hillary in SC, where there will be blacks, white, gays, working class, Latinos AND folks concerned about America's national security (even more so in the South and Midwest), then more power to him....

But just know SC is the start of the campaign given its diversity...Same with Nevada, Ohio, Florida, ect....Trump's and Rubio's people are saying the same damn thing....Believe that....