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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectRE: You're being willfully naive.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12967731
12967731, RE: You're being willfully naive.
Posted by murph71, Wed Feb-03-16 10:57 AM
>Trump is a cult of personality. He doesn't care about issues,
>and the people who support him openly say they don't care how
>inconsistent he's been over the years.
>More to the point, Trump isn't coming from "the right." His
>positions are unpredictable, because he's making them up as he
>goes along. Nobody would be able to tack to the center in a GE
>faster than Trump (an angry, racist, dumb-people center, but a
>center nonetheless).
>Bernie can't do that. He's been consistent in his positions,
>and he's not good at making shit up. He responded to the
>socialist label by actually trying to explain what socialism
>really is. That would never fly in a general election, and
>Trump would never do it.
>Bernie is a better human being than Trump, which unfortunately
>means he's a far worse candidate.
>I would have thought a Bernie supporter would be offended by
>the "Bernie is the Trump of the left" narrative. It's stupid
>and insulting.

Basically, to all of this^^^^^^