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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectYou're being willfully naive.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12967718
12967718, You're being willfully naive.
Posted by stravinskian, Wed Feb-03-16 10:42 AM
Trump is a cult of personality. He doesn't care about issues, and the people who support him openly say they don't care how inconsistent he's been over the years.

More to the point, Trump isn't coming from "the right." His positions are unpredictable, because he's making them up as he goes along. Nobody would be able to tack to the center in a GE faster than Trump (an angry, racist, dumb-people center, but a center nonetheless).

Bernie can't do that. He's been consistent in his positions, and he's not good at making shit up. He responded to the socialist label by actually trying to explain what socialism really is. That would never fly in a general election, and Trump would never do it.

Bernie is a better human being than Trump, which unfortunately means he's a far worse candidate.

I would have thought a Bernie supporter would be offended by the "Bernie is the Trump of the left" narrative. It's stupid and insulting.