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Topic subjectTo the folks who r just paying attention to this Presidential...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12967483
12967483, To the folks who r just paying attention to this Presidential...
Posted by murph71, Tue Feb-02-16 07:07 PM
election shit, here's the deal....

1. Iowa is known to be very unpredictable and at times bat shit crazy during caucus time...This is a place where Rick Santorum and Huckabee won....This also a place where congressman Steve King, who has said some of the most wild, brazenly racist shit ever uttered (Google his comments about Mexicans, it's some jaw dropping stuff) has been elected and is VERY popular...He's the one riding shot gun with Cruz...

2. Cruz winning Iowa is only shocking because practically EVERYBODY hates him. Except when you realize that the most powerful voting block there are the holy rollers, home schoolers and Jesus freaks. Cruz winning in Iowa is par for the course...

3. The whole coin toss = Clinton win as if this is something new is some silly bullshit...lol...Clinton won because she had more delegates...But that coin toss has been a part of the Democratic award caucus...it ain't new....

4. I'm going to need for folks to stop making Bernie out to be the most honest man in politics and Clinton to be the devil. The shit is insulting to my intelligence...There's a reason why the hardcore LIBS felt let down by Obama. They believed in HIM as an idea...Hope and Change....But they didn't understand what it takes to make the sausage...Politics ain't the prom...This shit is cutthroat...

5. NH will basically be a battle between Trump and Rubio....Cruz will be playing for third or even fourth...NH is not as religiously tied as Iowa....Trump and Rubio (who now has momentum on his side) are going to make this a bloodbath....

6. Bernie has NH on lock...It's basically in his Vermont backyard...While NH is not an evangelical state, it is dominated by independents...And the Indies go hard for Bernie. It;s basically the opposite extreme to Iowa...

7. South Carolina is when the Democratic race really begins.....