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Topic subjectRE: LOL@HRC winning a coin flip...CONGRATS! For all the GE projectors
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12967217
12967217, RE: LOL@HRC winning a coin flip...CONGRATS! For all the GE projectors
Posted by stravinskian, Tue Feb-02-16 01:55 PM
>those of you who say Bern can't win a GE
>wouldn't defeating HRC for the DEM nomination negate that
>that is
>you all sound so sure she'll win a GE
>but if Bern beats her here, why wouldn't he be able to
>outpeform her in a GE

No, not at all. A general election involves selling to an entirely different audience than a Democratic primary. The people voting in Democratic primaries and caucuses are by and large hardcore Democrats, overwhelmingly consider themselves liberal, and aren't afraid of socialism. The people who'll be voting in a general election are more likely to call themselves conservative than liberal, by a wide margin. Hillary would actually gain voters in a general election, people who might have wanted Jeb in the Republican primary and are horrified by the idea of Trump leading their party, people who aren't partisan enough to vote in primaries but who sure as hell don't want Trump, Cruz, or Rubio to be their President.

Sanders would only get the votes of people who voted in the primary. And even that support might be lukewarm, if the tone of the primary keeps going downhill. That's not enough to win a general election.

>I already know the standard responses, I just wonder if you
>can see the faiLure in your logic.
>her campaign is terrible
>they have 0 connection with people
>they come off as defensive and flippant at every turn
>I hated that 'this is my fight song' song before they started
>using it as their campaign theme
>her shrill voice cuts through me like a mariah carey high
>note, and not in a good way
>declaring vitory last night at 730PM <-- why do that?
>this thing was so close that the 1 delegate separating them
>could be reassigned

^ All this just shows how personally you're taking all this. Calm down. This is a chess game, not a boxing match.