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Topic subjectMcGovern, unlike Sanders, was weak with working-class voters
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12966856
12966856, McGovern, unlike Sanders, was weak with working-class voters
Posted by Mansa Musa, Tue Feb-02-16 12:46 AM
McGovern appealed primarily to affluent liberals and college students. He was clumsy about labor issues, and talked like a smug Ivy League professor. Sanders is different. He polls better than Obama did, or Clinton does, with working-class voters. The AFL-CIO hated McGovern; Clinton's backing from the AFT, etc. isn't remotely comparable to labor's support for Nixon. Also, McGovern ran against an incumbent.

Hillary's supposedly greater electability is just a media narrative repeated by her supporters. There is no solid evidence for it.