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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThe fact that Bernie Sanders is obviously unelectable.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12966284&mesg_id=12966840
12966840, The fact that Bernie Sanders is obviously unelectable.
Posted by stravinskian, Mon Feb-01-16 11:27 PM

People don't really put much stock in "pundits" these days, but the fact that Bernie is unelectable in a GE is not the tiniest bit controversial outside of the lefty echo chamber.

He can explain all he wants that socialism doesn't mean what people think it means. He can explain all he wants that the vast majority of people will not be paying the 80% marginal income tax rates that he's calling for. He can explain all he wants that a single-payer health care system wouldn't mean death panels. But he would fail on all counts.

Hillary Clinton has endured some of the worst vitriol the Republican party could muster for 25 years now, and she's still standing. Bernie Sanders hasn't spent a day in the sights of the right-wing smear machine. He would fall like a rock and we would lose nearly every state.