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Topic subjectall the lonelt okps/people, where do they all come from?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12949426&mesg_id=12949426
12949426, all the lonelt okps/people, where do they all come from?
Posted by rdhull, Tue Dec-29-15 01:21 PM
You ever noticve in a thread, be it wood or platinum, there will be a response by some poster with a name you've never seen befotre, therefore not recognize, and they have like 8000 post counts?

I think, who is this person responding in here amongst us all who has all these posts but never seen em before

theyre like the equivilant of the bang bang guy with Arsenio's machine gun in Harlem Nights