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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectAre you ever really justified in tellng your upstairs neighbors to chill on the noise?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12944331&mesg_id=12944331
12944331, Are you ever really justified in tellng your upstairs neighbors to chill on the noise?
Posted by illEskoBar221, Wed Dec-16-15 09:54 AM
Are you ever really justified in telling your upstairs neighbors to chill on the noise?

when is it appropriate to do so?

i was at my homies crib and this nigga has an energetic ass pit bull
that runs around the spot and jumps up and down when he doesnt receive attention, i was like damn i know his downstairs neighbors gotta be lke wtf

I used to get so pissed with my upstairs
neighbors because at like 800 every sat and sunday
they would move around crazy..but then once i realized it
was his two kids (ages 5-8) that he only got to see on wknds i thought about it and was like ok its kinda justified

i try to also be sympathetic because now
their baby is crawling and attempting to walk..but man it gets hard
you dont want to be that neighbor i mean i can imagine having kids is a challenge anyway esp toddlers or whatever then coupled with neighbors complaining it aint a good look.

i actually think ppl with kids should live on the first floor
like that shit should be a requirement

this is my first time living on the second floor but it puts alot of things in perspective...i probably was loud as shit too my neighbors
and it never crossed my mind, i think people really dont know most of the time.

so shout out to the neighbors who eat all that loud noise like a champ