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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThere are literally 10's of thousands of white women in prison for drug offences.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12937149&mesg_id=12937775
12937775, There are literally 10's of thousands of white women in prison for drug offences.
Posted by denny, Wed Dec-02-15 08:02 PM
But forget about that....let's handpick a click-baiting article about ONE incident that adheres to our agenda.

Fact: Black people (women too) are disporpotionately targeted and criminalized by the drug war. But let's not act like white people aren't victimized too. And I don't need to find a one-off scenario of a white women who received a 20 year mandatory sentence because her boyfriend was a drug dealer to prove it.

Factually speaking...there are more than twice the amount of white women in jail for drug offences than black women.




Actually, the racial demographics of women in prison for drug offences isn't that far off from representing population demographics as they are. Blacks are overrepresented by about 10%. Whites are underrepresented by about 10%. And other demographics are pretty much dead-on in terms of representation. That is a far different story from males where black and latinos are extremely over-represented.