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Topic subjectnot on a cleanse. i just eat really healthy most of the time
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12932045&mesg_id=12932053
12932053, not on a cleanse. i just eat really healthy most of the time
Posted by ndibs, Thu Nov-19-15 10:48 AM
a green smoothie
a berry smoothie
eggs maybe a slice or two of bacon for breakfast
salmon, tilapia and rice and beans or shrimp (fettucine,pad thai,risotto) for dinner
nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pecans) for snacks

that's how i eat everyday. wheat, red meat, chicken, cheese, milk, cereal, processed food all have a very nominal place in my diet.

i've done cleanses. eating like this will have the same effect on energy level/bowel movements literally cleaning you out.