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Topic subjectIt's all good, bruh
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12928941&mesg_id=12929856
12929856, It's all good, bruh
Posted by BabyYoda, Mon Nov-16-15 10:48 PM
>>I may be the same complexion as you and caught hell for it.
>>The thing is that some Black people on this site may not
>>understand how damaging it is to go through being rejected,
>>made fun of and disrespected for something that you have no
>>control over. That color shit is real and it goes deeper
>>white folks treating you a certain way. To deal with whites
>>doing it and Black folks does affect the psyche. Plus, it
>>isn't just some Jr. High and high school shit either. To
>>day, there are Black folks still on that colorism bullshit,
>>but folks don't want to admit it.
>>So, I want you to know is that I know how you felt growing
>>I understand dealing with people who may not share your
>>background in certain social situations but chose to deal
>>you because they were the only ones at that time willing to
>>In closing, it isn't about color or it is deeper than color.
>>It is about dealing with individuals in a personal level and
>>just because someone may share the same ethnic and cultural
>>background as yourself does not mean they will accept you
>>who you are as a person. I know this to be actual and
>>You having a preference for white women doesn't affect me
>>because I can't do for you what those woman can do for you.
>>happy, do what you do and if any woman has an issue with how
>>you treat them, then they can go somewhere else. Same goes
>>the so called pro Black revolutionaries.
>>Oh yeah, endogamy means sticking with your own kind and
>>exogamy means the opposite. Big word shit. Lol
>It's weird how I went from not appreciating my dark complexion
>to loving it over time. Feels good to love who you are. Those
>formative years of rejection were no joke. Luckily, I've
>always been confident and outgoing and got girls by any means
>necessary. Aint nobody's perspective gonna cramp my style
>ever. Peace

You grew to appreciate your being because you grew up, not to mention experienced women appreciating you for your looks, complexion included. It comes down to individuals choosing to accept you or not. In the end, you fuck with those who fuck with you, literally and figuratively.

My thing with you is to never let people on this site or offsite tell you who you should or shouldn't date, fuck, love or like. If they ain't trying to deal with you in a persona level, then their "opinions" means nada! You know I never came at you a certain way over how you deal with your ladies because I don't give a fuck! I don't cape nor simp for broads I ain't dealing with on a personal level. People have choices and you have every right to pick and choose your partners like everyone else. Stay tall, Cuzzo! 1