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Topic subjectid make her aware that i saw it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12912122&mesg_id=12913270
12913270, id make her aware that i saw it
Posted by godleeluv, Mon Oct-19-15 02:57 PM
And tell her to be glad her gma didnt. Clear it and then if u can, talk to her to see where her head is at. No pun intended.

The main thing for me is making sure an older person isnt influencing the behavior.

As far as the 9yo thing....man from what ive seen and heard the kids were unsupervised. On my block there was a house that the mom wanted to be young so bad, she threw parties and kids would come there from 8 or 9 to 16. The mama even had sex with some of the 16year olds. Her son was around that age so she would act like the parties were for him. All kinds of things were rumoured to have happened there. Her son was fucking with younger girls too. That house had too many rooms man. :(

I never was allowed to go to her house.
Music is almost everything.