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Topic subjectthings that you are bad at but have a fun time doing.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12911287&mesg_id=12911287
12911287, things that you are bad at but have a fun time doing.
Posted by Kwesi, Thu Oct-15-15 09:58 AM
i was kicking my buddy's ass in call of duty.

he'd just learned about the gun game, so he's rusty on all the weapons.

needless to say, I whooped the shit out of him.

what stuck out to me was the amount of fun he was having, even while being terribly bad at it.

I'd blow him up immediately when the match starts, and he's just a giggling and falling over himself in enjoyment.

i said 'dog, you some shit at this - how you having such a good time?'

he's like 'heee haw, i don't know. but im having a ball!'


are there any activities you like to do, but aren't necessarily good at?

my list includes:

playing the guitar.
playing the piano.


while im here, i'd like to send a thank you for my ban being lifted.

i'd just gotten used to not being a part of this community anymore. i tried to log-in randomly this morning and BOOM it worked.

...i guess you gotta have a little faith.