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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThings to do/Places to eat in NYC?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12909777&mesg_id=12909777
12909777, Things to do/Places to eat in NYC?
Posted by snacks, Mon Oct-12-15 09:06 AM
My brother and I are going up there this weekend. He is the ultimate homebody, so the burden is on me to keep him out the room as much as possible. This is also either of our first time going w/o a spouse or parents, respectively, so although I know there's plenty to do, I'm just not used to not catering to anyone else when I travel (me and my brother are pretty much the same people, I'm just a little more outgoing). This is why I need your help.

Saturday night is covered, but Friday and Saturday afternoon is wide open at this point. We're staying in midtown, if that helps.