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Topic subjectMan, ever push one waaaay back in the chamber?????
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12905062&mesg_id=12905166
12905166, Man, ever push one waaaay back in the chamber?????
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Oct-01-15 10:02 AM
Like sometimes you feel yourself about to blaow! and you gotta do something right?

So sometimes taking that 10-20 seconds to change positions can give you a bit of a reprieve and buy you some time....I swear my sometimes my dick is like John McClaine on the roof with a dirty wifebeater on yelling "go, it's a trap!"

Then other times you gotta get your taint clinch on like the GI Joe with eh kung-fu grip. But some days when you do that you push it way back in the chamber and then you going for like 20-30 minutes like "where the fuck is this shit?"

Nuts be on that Schwarzennegger like "GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!" but that mofo lost in the jungle. Next thing you know shorty done got 1-2 joints in and I'm still looking for that feelin'......


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