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Topic subjectJust for once will White Nationalist ever give it up and admit....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12895608&mesg_id=12895608
12895608, Just for once will White Nationalist ever give it up and admit....
Posted by double negative, Mon Sep-14-15 12:47 PM
peeped this show this morning: http://www.npr.org/2015/09/12/439186320/fresh-air-weekend-white-nationalists-and-trump-baseballs-intangibles-alison-brie

the first part of the show about Trump and his appeal to the white nationalist movement. very interesting stuff.

From their perspective he is speaking to their concerns over losing power, and the privileges they enjoy on a daily basis.

I kept thinking about the psychic dissonance where they perceive them selves as being at the top of the social chain and that they are afraid that they will be treated the way minorities are treated but they will never admit it the game is rigged in their favor (unfair treatment of minorities) or that centuries of grimy ass shit went down to set the table as its been set now.

It's like slapping the shit out of a tiger and being afraid that the tiger will strike but then also not admitting that you slapped the shit out of the tiger in the first place.

just once I want these jokers to up and admit the game as it is

interesting take away is the fact that the most vocal people in this group are undereducated underemployed men. I think it was since the 70s there has been a 20% reduction in salaries for uneducated works and a 3% increase for women in the workforce.

they mad.