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Topic subjectdid the whitebul make all the money from that R Peace book
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12895139, did the whitebul make all the money from that R Peace book
Posted by Riot, Sat Sep-12-15 08:59 AM
I never found an answer to that question, so never read it

What's interesting is blk(hood) achievement/upward mobility is still seen As so rare, rose that grew from concrete, that we all marvel at it, celebrate it like it's our own kin, and When something goes wrong we collectively ask what happened

Reminds me of the wrestling with the story of the black girl arrested for trying to join isis, just graduated on her way to being a doctor. Sad story made worse partly bc "we" felt that "we" lost something

Maybe some folks just slip thru the cracks tho. And not even slip. Maybe we admit They turn their back on what they knew and actively run thru the cracks to whatever they saw on the other side