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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectIt's this, plus a few more things. One thing I realize with folks my age
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12894141&mesg_id=12894460
12894460, It's this, plus a few more things. One thing I realize with folks my age
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Sep-10-15 06:41 PM
when it comes to making/spending money is that those who tend to ALWAYS have financial issues feel as if they aren't making money if they aren't able to spend it.

Meaning...if they are getting a big tax refund, OT check, B-Day gift, or anything on that side of things...the VERY first thing they say is "ooooo I can't wait to get paid so that I can buy a new TV/car/clothes/watch" etc etc....versus being able to just take a big check and deposit it into savings. Literally all of my friends who react like this to big payments seem to never understand how to actually build wealth.

I remember when I was saving money after college, just build my savings account up since I never had a deep one...my boy asked if I wanted to go to Vegas. I told him naw, because I was saving up. He asked why, and I told him "just to have money saved, since I'm fresh out of college." And again, it was like "so..........you're just saving money, to....save money? You're not planning on buying anything??"