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Topic subjectBiggest difference I see between the Poor & the Wealthy/ Robert Peace
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12894141&mesg_id=12894141
12894141, Biggest difference I see between the Poor & the Wealthy/ Robert Peace
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-10-15 09:26 AM
It seems like disadvantage people start from scratch every generation.

And I am not just talking about assets (which is obvious) but I am talking about life lessons and knowledge that is passed down.

I see it even in the successful people from disadvantaged backgrounds, they have to learn on their own how to navigate school college, getting loans, how to get and keep a job, etc.

I was reminded of this because I just finished the book "the short and tragic life of robert peace" and it's clear to me the biggest thing missing in his life was someone to mentor him and tell him exactly what he needed to do after he left Yale. Dude was groping around trying to figure out what to do with that Yale degree and all it would have taken is someone to point out how he could have leverage that to make the type of money he wanted. A lot of first generation college don't realize that making it to college is really just the start of it all and they have all sorts of decisions to make after that to obtain a Good Life. I don't know how many smart black kids I have met who go to good schools and unknowingly sign up for the hardest course load possible and end up doing terrible in school for the first time in their life.

Meanwhile their wealthy counterparts are being advised on what courses to take, where to intern and have jobs lined up when they are done with school. I finally understand the old black folk general advice to don't take time off before school or grad school and their insistence that you either become a doctor or a lawyer. At least those are degrees that can help you be self-sufficient to a certain extent and not need nepotism and other look outs to get ahead.

I was also reminded this fact because I was home last week and I see my Mom playing that role of giving real basic advice to all sorts of people (college and non-college bound) who don't otherwise have that sort of mentor role. No don't take that high interest loan on that car, you can't afford it. Learn about your credit score; etc. My little foster brother got his student loans check in his bank account and thought it was party time. Ma dukes had to shut all of that down.

If you have to figure out all that stuff on your own you either have to be super smart or disciplined or you can only get so far in one generation.

Personally, even though I come from a good family and have done pretty well for myself, I still feel that I am about one generation behind my white counterparts. Considering My father's grandfather was a slave, that's damn good. But yeah.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM