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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectSometimes people ain't shit
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12893580&mesg_id=12893678
12893678, Sometimes people ain't shit
Posted by Sepia., Wed Sep-09-15 09:36 AM
and you just have to accept that you can't help them be better, that they don't wanna be better,
and there's no way to go into the past and clean up the messes they've made.

If you can really fully accept that, you'll find yourself able to actually look at them
with compassion AND you'll keep them in the space in your life allotted for people who ain't shit.
Meaning, you pretty much won't get hurt by them because they don't have the chance.

I could've said this much more eloquently, but I gotta go to work now, lol.

I do hope you sort your feelings out. Please don't let it eat you up like I did for a couple years.