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Topic subjectWhat's your favorite Hip-Hop Song and Why?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12892022&mesg_id=12892022
12892022, What's your favorite Hip-Hop Song and Why?
Posted by Lardlad95, Thu Sep-03-15 09:43 PM
Everyday Struggle might just be my favorite song in the entire genre. It encapsulates everything brilliant and grotesque about gangster rap. It's blue-collar. There's no glorification of the drug trade in the tale, it's just raw, unadulterated humanity.

Hell that song is the reason that I by and large don't like a lot of rap that deals with "the game" because it's often so cartoonish. That isn't to say Biggie is the only one to step outside of that, but I don't think I've heard such concise and powerful storytelling in any other song.