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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWhat do you guys think of this situation?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12880316&mesg_id=12880316
12880316, What do you guys think of this situation?
Posted by NikaMandela, Fri Aug-14-15 02:07 PM
ok so I'm in LA....(actually an hour outside of LA in the fucking sticks)

my cousin is in her early 40s and has a 9 year old son. she lives with her mom, my aunt, but my aunt is currently out of town.

my cousin also has a boyfriend of 6 months. he has a 10 year old that was diagnosed with leukemia 3 weeks ago and has been in the hospital.

so i come in for a visit and i'm staying here. my cousin hinted at me helping her out and i was like ok, thinking she needed me to just help out around the house and help with the kid. but the day before yesterday, she asked if i could take her son to the pediatrician and i'm like...where you gon' be and in a roundabout way she said she was going to spend the night (so she could be there for her bf since his son is sick).

so last night she didn't come home either. two nights she's been away from the house, apparently trying to be there for her boyfriend while his son is sick. she's also studying for a sigma 6 exam that she's taking next week so that's another factor.

I'm trying to focus on building strong boundaries. i'm not really feeling this whole situation, but there's also a sick child involved. i don't know if I'm being insensitive in not wanting to help her anymore or if i'm justified.