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Topic subjectback in the states, already want to leave
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12879894&mesg_id=12879944
12879944, back in the states, already want to leave
Posted by akon, Fri Aug-14-15 09:29 AM
i just realized i should probably take the first term off
and get a consultancy -
i cant really find classes that are relevant to my interests
after the school spent a year killing me with 20+ credits each term, and now... nothing.
and i still *hate* this school, ugh

so... yesterday i finally got off my ass, polished my c.v and applied to a couple of places
today will be reaching out to some folks (i hate networking)
i think i want to leave the country (again) and soon, crossing fingers
and positivity

been doing to some random ish since i got back
but recently went to a party... and there was fireworks
that was awesome
makes up for missing fourth of july

bmore is getting to me
im trying to get out and about and meet people
this city does not make it easy
im about to start looking to d.c