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Topic subjecti do think that at times they are at odds with each other
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12879020&mesg_id=12879368
12879368, i do think that at times they are at odds with each other
Posted by EMATI, Thu Aug-13-15 02:37 PM
that conflict is what makes us human -- the fact that those two traits coexist and play out in a myriad of ways

i do think self-preservation on a larger scale can mean concern for the preservation of the human race -- but empathy is also a strong component of giving thought to the well being of the human race

>aren't these two things often at odds with each other? and
>does self-preservation mean preserving the human race (or your
>tribe on a smaller scale) or preserving yourself?

Someone out there knows what happened to Mitrice Richardson