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Topic subjectGreen...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12879020&mesg_id=12879285
12879285, Green...
Posted by StephBMore, Thu Aug-13-15 01:54 PM
good and bad are socially defined by the community a person is born into. You are good if you follow the rules, bad if you act outside of those defined rules.

but in nature, most people would act according to what would help them survive. You can't define an act as good or bad unless you create that standard.

Outside of nature (how we live now), I'd still say neutral. most ppl are a mix of good and bad (as defined by society) but it balances out so that most people are just "Average" (not bad or good). on a scale of good to bad (good being whatever Saint you pick and bad being the biggest mass murderer of all time), most ppl fall in the middle. they are neither good or bad. they just are.