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Topic subjectneutral.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12879020&mesg_id=12879046
12879046, neutral.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-13-15 11:08 AM
back when i was a xtian i resented the idea that i'm a bad person by default and that i can only be a 'good person' and/or do good things via Jesus. i felt i was being taught to hate myself. it was odd to me and i was increasingly put-off by that notion. so now that i'm an atheist i flat-out refuse to believe that ppl are inherently bad. and i haven't shaken off all of that xtian mind control so i still wonder if ppl can be inherently good. for now i don't think we're inherently either.