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Topic subjectRE: Okps over 30: let's discuss dating
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12877901&mesg_id=12878770
12878770, RE: Okps over 30: let's discuss dating
Posted by Seven, Wed Aug-12-15 09:33 PM
>When I was younger, dating was a lot more fun for me. Meeting
>new people and having new experiences. It seemed more
>recreational and easygoing. Now, I'm over it. lol The process
>is less enjoyable and more frustrating. Possibly due to having
>to balance with all my other responsibilities.
>So I wondered how okps feel about dating at this point in
>their life. Do you like dating

When it's happening..it's nice....it rarely does these days between work and music...I have no time really...I also live in a relatively small city...the dating pool is really small and feels almost incestuous...I need to migrate. 😟.

? Did you ever like it, and are
>now tired of it?

Wouldn't say I'm tired...but for reasons above...it gets annoying when for example you realise the therapist of a woman you're seeing is the mother of a friend of your daughter who you used to work with...

Do you want to get married or settle down
>with someone or would you be happy being single forever?
Up until recently I was hell bent in getting married...now....if it happens I'm good...if it doesn't..I'm good....once my child is good healthy and happy...once I'm doing shit I love and getting better...once i have a circle of friends I can trust and can spend time with...once I'm financially good...once I'm healthy.....I'll be aight

>being in a relationship a priority to you?
Nope....being a better man is my priority.

Do you feel
>pressured (by anyone including yourself) to settle down or to
>get married?
Nope....I get the questions every now and then...especially with a child ( even the kid asks me sometimes lol)...I'm good tho...they see how little it bothers me and don't ask again.

Do you think your career gets in the way of
I am pretty busy...but I think i would make time if I felt something or saw it going somewhere.

>Feel free to discuss (or vent) about anything regarding
I've been thinking about starting to date women younger than I'm used to....talking late 20s early 30s....( I'm pushing 40)...i dunno.