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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectRE: Okps over 30: let's discuss dating
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12877901&mesg_id=12878284
12878284, RE: Okps over 30: let's discuss dating
Posted by NikaMandela, Wed Aug-12-15 12:54 PM

>So I wondered how okps feel about dating at this point in
>their life. Do you like dating?

no. i hate it.

Did you ever like it, and are
>now tired of it?

i liked it in my early 20s.

Do you want to get married or settle down
>with someone or would you be happy being single forever?

yes and i will eventually. its a matter of time. i would be happy being single forever because i'm determined to be happy no matter what. if my arm got chopped off tomorrow, i would still be happy. i still want my arm tho and i still want to get married. I do believe that marriage (and motherhood) would be instrumental to me being my happiest and best self.

>being in a relationship a priority to you?

not right now but i guess it is indirectly. healing from the past and improving myself are my direct priorities.

Do you feel
>pressured (by anyone including yourself) to settle down or to
>get married?

yes, from myself. and also, people's reactions to me. people are now straight up asking me "what happened?" "what's wrong with you?" its extremely frustrating. but i stopped pressuring myself about having kids.

Do you think your career gets in the way of

yes in the sense that i'm pursuing a difficult path without any financial help so i don't really have the money to take care of myself the way i'd like to. i can't afford to wear the best clothes or get my hair and nails done and all that stuff.

>Feel free to discuss (or vent) about anything regarding

will do later.