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Topic subjectRE: Okps over 30: let's discuss dating
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12877901&mesg_id=12877912
12877912, RE: Okps over 30: let's discuss dating
Posted by teefiveten, Wed Aug-12-15 09:29 AM
Do you like dating?
i like it but I don't really date often. I know now everything is the internet but I don't feel comfortable with it yet.

Did you ever like it, and are
>now tired of it?
I'm tired of failed relationships but failure is part of life

Do you want to get married or settle down
>with someone or would you be happy being single forever?
I want to get married but I need to be cool with the idea of being single. Marriage isn't a guarantee and it just may not be in the cards for me.

>being in a relationship a priority to you?
It's not the top priority but cultivating relationships in general is something i'm focusing on.

Do you feel
>pressured (by anyone including yourself) to settle down or to
>get married?
My entire family. I now have an aunt who is so consumed by it she calls me to hound me about men I'm dating. She just started this a month or so ago and proclaimed that she can't take it anymore, that there's no reason for me to be single, and I need to get married THIS YEAR. lol. I was seeing a guy and she gave me "advice" and keeps calling to follow up. I avoid her calls but there's a respect thing so I'll have to call her back :(. I'm not seeing that guy anymore so I'm expecting a shit show. I'm also just mad b/c these people don't care about me otherwise so I hate having to entertain this garbage.

Do you think your career gets in the way of
no but my family does. my day job is fine but I DJ some nights. the frequency varies but right now I do one gig a week on a weeknight. i have a least 1 weekend night free every week (sometimes the entire weekend. thankfully people party during the week in NYC and chill unless it's the summer). i like DJing and i'm usually the one wanting more time to hang/chill when i'm dating so i always make an effort to fit people in if i really like them. i've never had anyone complain but i can't say i've dated a lot since my last serious relationship :(