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Topic subjectNot feelin that East Side San Jose joke...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12877324&mesg_id=12877680
12877680, Not feelin that East Side San Jose joke...
Posted by Crash85, Tue Aug-11-15 08:29 PM
>4.Where are the cops???? I get that NYC is much denser and
>higher populated but I can go days without seeing a cop car
>and I drive a lot. Then again, I'm not in East San jose

Haha... Shit is true... Crazy how everyone knows whats up with essj... I feel like when people move here, they immediately get warned about the east side... In reality, it aint that bad... You definitely need to swing through there, tho... Peter's Bakery burnt almond cake is the best... Antipasto is some pretty bomb italian, but you're from NY so you probably had as good, if not better... Get a stromboli at Tony Di Maggio's... Hit up Santa Fe for their Carne Asada fries... And Mexico Bakery for a torta... Chalateco is hella good Salvadorian food, try the pupusas... And hit up Jubba for some bomb ass Somalian food... That's not on the east side, but it's hella good...

I just moved from out there... Living in Oregon now...