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Topic subject6 months in the Bay( reactions from a lifelong NYer)
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12877324, 6 months in the Bay( reactions from a lifelong NYer)
Posted by jeanlouis61, Tue Aug-11-15 03:21 PM

I'm still surprised that I am out here in the San Francisco Bay area, 3k miles away from the only other place I could call home. There are strange things and there are good things. It definitely was a relief to jump 50 degrees over night and shrug my shoulders at all the mounting snowy facebook photo posts i would see. I've goten used to the fog somehow. I have gotten used to it, believe me.

So obviously you know that a new Yorker is gonna tell you that the pace is different, slower....but its not bad. Living in the redwood city area feels like Long Island and the shopping centers and Caltrain adds to that idea.

Here's a quick rundown of thoughts:

1. these people need to miss me with this winter gear in spring/summer. yeah, yeah....i get it. Its not LA, and its drops to high 50s at night in some areas. big woop. Its not a Boston type 50s, which means through on a denim jacket or sweater. People out here have winter hats, leather jackets on 85 degree days, and again.....knit hats on warm days? what is that? I saw a guy in a t shirt, with windows rolled down, wearing a knit hat. and no NY, its not a hipster thing. All ages and cultures do it.
2. no one honks. That bugged me out. Driving in NYC again one day will freak me out.
3. Dogs rarely bark. I wake up to that shit in NY. Are they just zen out here?
4.Where are the cops???? I get that NYC is much denser and higher populated but I can go days without seeing a cop car and I drive a lot. Then again, I'm not in East San jose much.
5. I knew that there were techies out here.......but damn. They are everywhere;dripping out of faucets and climbing the side of buildings and shit. The campuses are impressive. Seen Facebook and Google,...passed Twitter.
6. The pizza isnt that bad. The tacos are to die for and my girl loves Philz coffee.
7. they need to solve this water thing. I could fit the amount of rain I've seen in a cup. It has to have rained less than 4 times, and no heavy downpours.
8. They werent kidding about finding black folk. SF and the pennisula are definitely Negro Light. East Bay, Oakland , San Jose and Milpitas definitely felt like an escape from being the "only one."
9.I thought that the traffic would be worse. Compared to NY, not that bad. Has its moments.
10.My biggest fear is being caught in an earthquake driving on the side of a hill in the dark. Drving back from half moon bay in the dark was real, and people were racing by you. Mother fuckers out here love to tailgate, even on the side of a hill. Imagine that during an earthquake? And why dont they have any lighting on these highways?