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Topic subjecti am pushing back against the notion that all cops need guns
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12875261&mesg_id=12875994
12875994, i am pushing back against the notion that all cops need guns
Posted by Mike Jackson, Mon Aug-10-15 02:28 PM
that is a problematic assumption.

because every cop out "in the field" doesn't have to be armed with a gun.

because every cop isn't interacting with murderers.

and even if they were, every murderer with a gun is not an immediate threat to public safety.

some need mediation.
or counseling.

or a trained professional that can talk the gun out of their hand.

but that kind of talk is dismissed as hippie nonsense.

which is bullshit.

so i said the conversation about disarming cops entirely is not unreasonable.

and it's not.

cops having guns is not keeping me safer.

or if it is, it hasn't been proven to me anywhere.

but I've seen ample evidece of cops leaping to deadly force too quickly.

so yeah, I am fine with what I said. because the idea of disarming cops should be in the discourse.

why not?

it's reasonable.

>And you talking like You have the answer, not i know this
>sounds dumb, i'm still trying to work out the kinks.
>Bc all i see right now is you arguing that a cop can talk a
>murderer with a gun out of killing more people and voluntarily
>going under arrest.