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Topic subjective lived in a city where majority own guns
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12875714, ive lived in a city where majority own guns
Posted by akon, Mon Aug-10-15 11:41 AM
ak47s, mainly
shit i had an ak47 (not intentionally.. its a long story) in my house for a month
im far more surprised to walk down a street and not see police/army/any uniformed person with guns than not
my friends are more likely than not to have handguns on their person when we are out (and if not them then someone)
it is less common than it was 5 years ago, but still far more common than should be

the crime rate is also ridiculously high, constant fear of your house getting broken into, because houses are always getting broken into
(so no, the ubiquitous number of guns available does not deter criminality)
and perhaps mine is an extreme situation
but no, i would still not want to own a gun.
even in that particular situation

and i've been threatened with an AK (being waved in my face) several times
i've heard one cocked at me, as well
(i was driving away- my friend and i both ducked- we'd driven past a roadstop).
i've spent nights hearing a barrage of gun shots -
and it was not because we were celebrating new years
(people shoot in the air)
so no... im not a believer in guns, legally obtained or not
its a very thin line between legal and illegal

one of my first clubbing experiences in the u.s ended with gunshots
(kansas city, missouri- small ass club with the d.j shooting in the air, apparently to stop a fight)
several other incidences i could mention as well
the only city i felt really safe in is new york

i live in baltimore now.
i definitely think there should be a way to get guns away from the street
and off the hands of ALL civilians