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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectwtf is a non-white? is that a thing?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12875261&mesg_id=12875648
12875648, wtf is a non-white? is that a thing?
Posted by akon, Mon Aug-10-15 11:09 AM
>I'm non-white and have under 30 cousins that live in rural
>areas that think like Palin voters

>If nobody ain't aligning with your views you dismiss them as
>crazy or joking.

yes, this is exactly it
except you havent really given a view worth considering.

hyperbolic statements dont count

>I'm just parroting the sentiments of family members who live
>in the country and lax gun law states

the good thing is that most of us base decisions on evidence and information
not on what people tell us.