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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThat's foolish
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12875261&mesg_id=12875466
12875466, That's foolish
Posted by josetheplumber, Mon Aug-10-15 09:36 AM
>to make it harder for the average citizen to own a gun
>especially in cities and urban areas (unless you can prove you
>are hunting deer or sth)
>total ban on assault weapons

That dentist who killed Cecil the lion is not the one doing drive by shootings. He is AVERAGE. Who you want to keep guns away from is Monster Cody and the eight tray Crips doing 100 murders in 100 nights or the chief keef types.
But stricter gun laws won't stop them ppl in Baltimore from getting a gun and killing 40+ ppl in the month of July.

We have enough gun laws as it is.
Unless you start giving folks 20 years for each gun they have in their posession (ie you see what happened with mandatory minimum drug laws) you will get nowhere.
Average citizen ain't killing ppl with guns. It's the already hardened criminals.