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Topic subjectI've been on 2. First was on princess and was wack bc
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12875291&mesg_id=12875329
12875329, I've been on 2. First was on princess and was wack bc
Posted by Cenario, Mon Aug-10-15 08:12 AM
it was mad old people. I'm talking like 85% of the boat had canes, walkers, or wheelchairs. Mind you the group we went with was about 65 people so pretty much every one else was old, wrinkled and white lol.

The 2nd was on CArnival and it was much better. Party boat, plus there was a few carolina panthers on the boat as well. They had some of the most tall and beautiful women with them that i ever seen.

We are going on a Hawaiian cruise in October.