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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectAs long as you keep your hands where they should be
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12862709&mesg_id=12862975
12862975, As long as you keep your hands where they should be
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-24-15 01:38 PM
shouldn't be any problems.

I will say 99.9% of my interactions come from that fact that i have kids of my own, so if I'm at the park or something then I have an obvious reason for being there, which goes a long way towards not being perceived as a skeevy perv or something.

So - I talk to kids, help them out on the playground if they eat it, throw a high five, include kids who are interested when i'm playing with my kids... whatever.

Talking and interacting shouldn't be an issue. Just be real careful about keeping your hands where they belong. Picking up other people's kids is a line i generally don't feel comfortable crossing unless i know them really well.

If some random parent wants to overreact because a grown up treated their kid like a human, though, i can live with that.