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Topic subjecti'll say it: we need those "negative" images, just like everybody else.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12861377&mesg_id=12862156
12862156, i'll say it: we need those "negative" images, just like everybody else.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Thu Jul-23-15 04:10 PM
art is supposed to piss ppl off sometimes.
for some art, that's the entire point of it.

if i had my way, clubs would still be bumping stevie wonder and
marvin gaye and michael jackson, 24/7.

but that would be a boring world, wouldn't it?
you'd get sick of hearing that bullshit all the time, wouldn't you?

i hate the chronic, as an album, and a concept,
but that album needs to be here.

precisely because i DON'T like it.

niki minage needs to make her dumb anoconda song.
because like it or not, that record does speak to a part of the human condition.

and who says it's a "negative"?
just because i don't like it?


yes, i am glad r. kelly is still releasing dumb songs
about girls reminding him of his jeep.

because all my haughty-taughty "sexy" music don't cut it sometimes.

we need all the voices in art.
even the ones we dislike.
especially the ones we dislike.

if for no other reason for us to refine our ideas of what we don't like about it... and why stevie wonder is a genius, because
he has something other ppl don't.

i am sure that if there was a mainstream pop hit
about a man blowing another man,
some ppl would be offended.

that doesn't mean that the record shouldn't be made,
or that it is having a negative impact on our values.

by the same token, if ppl wanna make and listen to songs
about bustin caps... they need to make that record.
because bustin caps is a part of the human condition,
and the art needs to reflect that.

the problem, to the extent there is one,
is there are not ENOUGH diverse representations in mainstream media.

at this point in my life, i can listen only to music i already like and agree with on spotify.

that's not necessarily healthy.
because where is the challenge?

r. kelly
rick ross
michael jackson
stevie wonder
robin thicke

hell... even, and i hate to admit this... PUFFY....

we all need to be exposed to that stuff.
so we can make up our own mind.

because do you know what happens when art gets self sensored,
and only songs with "positive" messages get promoted?

we go decades in a war with only john mayer writing a war protest song that was a mainstream hit.

all the art should be released and promoted.
it's YOUR job to make sense of it and decide if you like it.

one persons rebel music is another person's "cultural decline."

we need it all.
the chips will fall where they do, and that's fine.